So last night I made the raw white chocolate strawberry cheesecake, recipe originally from here. It turned out to be really easy! Time consuming, sure, but easier, quicker, and less messy than all the other vegan "cheesecakes" I've made in the past. The version I followed is here , since it had helpful tablespoon measurements for the coconut and cacao butter, and it turned out perfectly! I read the note that you may need to double the recipe if you are making a big cheesecake, and paid attention while I made the crust (which was the first thing I made.) As I was pressing the delicious, chocolate-oreo-cookie flavored crust into the bottom of my 9 inch springform pan, I noticed it looked a little light. At that point I made the decision to just double the recipe. Luckily, I had extras of all the ingredients on hand. I fell a little short of doubling the amount of raw melted cacao butter, but it still turned out perfect, as far as I can tell. When the filling was done, it had the consistency of a thick yogurt. I stuck the cake in the freezer and in a little under two hours, it reached the perfect consistency. I keep using the word "perfect," because that is all I can say about this recipe! Anyhow, I ate one LARGE slice, kept one half of the leftovers in the freezer, and the other half in the fridge. I'll eat the fridge slices throughout the week, and the frozen ones later, hoping the "perfection" will last through storage. I have a lot of leftovers, so hopefully I'll get batteries in my camera so I can post pictures. You know how you make a recipe sometimes, and you are disappointed when it doesn't look as nice as the recipe picture? Well, I didn't have that problem with this one. In fact, almost all of my recent creations have looked picturesque, so maybe I'm just honing my culinary craft! Anyhow, try this recipe. I can't say enough good things about it. It's probably the tastiest raw dessert I have ever made myself. While some of the ingredients can be pricey if you don't have stuff like coconut butter, agave nectar, cacao nibs, etc, lying around, it's well worth it! I can't even remember what "real" cheesecake tastes like right now because this recipe was so good!
My notes and suggestions: Double the recipe if you are using a 9 inch springform pan. To melt the coconut butter and cacao butter without subjecting them to high heat, put the proper amounts of each in bowls in the dehydrator (if you have one) and let melt at 115 degrees. This may take a good ten minutes or more. One packet of raw cacao butter from Madison Market is enough for one recipe and sufficient for a double batch, even though it falls shortly under the total (should be 4 TB for double batch.) Freeze for 1 1/2 - 2 hrs before eating.
It's recipes like this, the incan berry torte, and many others, that taste so good, make me feel amazing and satisfied that it makes me wonder, why eat anything but raw food at all? It's a wonderful feeling to love raw food so dearly. I'm so grateful for all the raw recipes in the world!
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